Business Idea #9 Home Stay Business or Agency
Every year, tens of thousands of international students and travelers from around the world are going abroad to study and learn other languages and cultures up close. And with them, they bring economic spin-offs to local economies. Homestay is the type of accommodation most commonly sought after by International Guests. The demand for homestay rooms often outweighs the homestays available.
A “Homestay host” is someone who rents out spare room or rooms in their home. Homestay is a great home-based business that enables Canadians to make extra income. Renting out those spare bedrooms can be profitable and rewarding if managed properly.
A Homestay business can be a part-time or full-time job depending on the number of rooms for rent, and range of services offered. The Homestay business include providing a room, 3 meals, and can also offer additional services such as ESL lessons, cultural tours, airport transfers, orientation tours.
An entrepeneur can choose to run a homestay business or be a homestay agency, which coordinates host families and students for a fee.
International recruitment is a high priority at most Canadian post-secondary institutions as a mechanism to generate revenue and create diversity on campus. As a result the number of international students choosing to obtain higher education in Canada is steadily increasing. More than 130,000 students come to study in Canada every year and even more come to Canada to learn English or French. These numbers include both secondary and post-secondary education. In the 2004-2005 academic year, 72, 500 international students attended Canadian universities. According to the Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE) approximately 30, 000 international students graduate from post secondary institutions every year.
Homestay Programs provides students from all over the world, the opportunity to improve their English, experience Canadian Culture, meet wonderful new people and build friendships that can last a lifetime. This is also their chance to experience Canadian life.
Interesting Links
Vancouver Homestay Directory

I want to start a Homestay business /Agency, Who, Where and How I do this? thanks