Welcome to the Canadian Immigrant Ezine - a web magazine for
Canadian immigrants.
The rise and prosperity of Canada and the need for a strong
labour force resulted in its open immigration policy. What
differed from the past is that Europeans have stopped becoming
the major source of Canadian immigrants. Increasingly, new
immigrants are coming from Asian countries including China,
Korea, India, Philippines. With a diverse population mix,
there is a need for tolerance, openness and understanding among
different culture.
Our goal at the Canadian Immigrant Ezine is to
help new immigrants integrate into the Canadian society.
We want to provide a social networking site for Canadians and
new immigrants to connect, have
fun, and share valuable information as well as amusing insights
about life in Canada. Our mission is to promote
cross-cultural understanding among all Canadians and to
celebrate our richness in cultural diversity.
We thank you for visiting our site. We encourage you to
just have fun and browse through the pages.
Imagine yourself visiting a Canadian family and
sitting by the kitchen table engaging in a conversation.
This is the experience we want you to have when you visit. You are
entering the hearth of Canada, nothing superficial or
We look for articles of interest to the new immigrant, inspiring stories
that promote unity. We provide a platform for dialogue
through our VOICES (article submission), BLOG, and FORUM.
little blog post or article is one kitchen table episode. The
language is plain, extemporaneous, unpolished and unedited. The
blog posts reflect the
everyday life of Canadians, young and old, rich and poor,
white collar, blue collar, pink collar, from all educational,
economic or ethnic backgrounds. One big family, with many
voices, speaking a common language of unity.

The Salad Bowl of
Multicultural Canada- A Salad Bowl
The multicultural theory of Canada believes that new immigrants
do not lose their unique culture. The unique characteristics of
each culture should be encouraged to stay and be identifiable
within the large Canadian society. This is likened to the
ingredients in a salad bowl, each of them identifiable, yet
contributing to the makeup of the total salad. Hence, immigrants
are hyphenated in their identity, such as"Chinese-Canadian",
"Croatian-Canadian", "Japanese-Canadian"....
2. Assimilation theory - A Melting Pot
The melting pot is a metaphor for a heterogeneous society
becoming more homogeneous, the different elements "melting
together" into a harmonious whole with a common culture. It is
particularly used to describe the assimilation of immigrants to
the United States; the melting-together metaphor was in use by
the 1780s. However, after 1970 the desirability of assimilation
and the melting pot model was challenged by proponents of
multiculturalism, who assert that cultural differences within
society are valuable and should be preserved, proposing the
alternative metaphor of the salad bowl – different cultures mix,
but remain distinct.