and stormy book called: "The End of the Dark and Stormy Night."
If we
assume that God exists, what path do you think will lead
straight to Salvation?
This is the question Rajni Mala Khelawan seeks to
answer in her debut fiction novel,
“The End of the Dark and Stormy Night,” set in Elkford,
For Mrs. Anand, a Hindu, not eating cows is the answer.
For this reason, she hates Jesse, the red-haired cow
eater who married her talentless writer son, Ravi.
For Mrs. Hicks, a legalist, being born-again is the only
road to Salvation.
And she is convinced that Jesus hates all lesbians.
Her daughter, Elisha, a full-blown lesbian, also has her
own theories of how lesbians find Salvation.

Mala Khelawan is originally from the Fiji Islands. She emigrated
to Canada in 1988 to pursue her education, graduating from
Athabasca University with a BA in 2004. There, she rediscovered
her love of writing and started her first novel.
She recently published "The End of the Dark and Stormy Night," a
sexual comedy with a multicultural cast.
She lives with her daughter in Calgary, Alberta, and is working
on her second novel, "A Suitable Mate." Khelawan has appeared on
several shows such as CBC Radio The Daybreak Show, NUTV, OMNI
News (National Edition), and Asian Magazine TV since the
publication of her first novel.
Her novel appeared as #2 Best Seller in Calgary Herald (April
12, 2009). An excerpt from her novel was published in "Elkford
Focus" (April, 2009). Her previous publications include
"Readers' Digest" (January,2004)
Excerpt from the Book "The End of the Dark and Stormy Night" |
Set in Elkford, British Columbia, Canada.
is a picturesque Rocky Mountain town founded in 1971 as
a home for miners working at newly-established Fording
Coal operations. From its early days as a collection of
temporary homes, a one-room school, and a single general
store, Elkford has grown to its current population of
nearly 3,000 residents.)
It was a dark and stormy night…
Ravi sat in front of his Macintosh. It must have been
the glare of the monitor that affected his sight, for he
was momentarily blinded. He was not blind in an ordinary
sense: he could see the physical world around him quite
clearly. Rather, he was blind to the fact that he was a
writer born without a shred of talent. Oddly enough, he
was aware of an energy channel of sorts… a connection…
between him and his computer. And he always thought
that this connection was what defined him as a true
writer: he believed that true writers had a special
relationship with their medium. What the medium was did
not matter. It could be a computer, a paper, or even a
chalkboard (in spite of the chalk dust!). Ravi decided
that he had this connection, that he was a real writer
even though he had not published anything yet.
It was a dark and stormy night…
Ravi sat there, staring at his monitor. All writers
experienced writer‟s block. It was only natural. Even
Anil Singh – the king of horror novels – experienced it
while writing The Cemetery. (The Cemetery was 1174 pages
long, and one needed a magnifying glass to read the
words on each page. And yet Singh had experienced the
block somewhere after writing 300 or so pages.)
Ravi was experiencing the block on his first page.
Sometimes he managed to write a whole page, but by the
end of the day he had thrown it away and started over
again – as many writers do.
It was a dark and stormy night in Elkford, British
Write what you know – the number one rule of writing. It
was reasonable that Ravi added Elkford, British
Columbia, to establish the setting of his story, as he
was born and raised there. As a matter of fact, he had
never left. Elkford was a small coal-mining town in the
heart of the Rockies. His mausi (aunt from the mother's
side of the family) used to humor Elkfordians by saying
that she dared not to blink while Mausa drove to Elkford,
because if she did, she might miss it. And his dad,
Rajen Anand, worked in the Elkford coalmines. Anand
bragged about making forty dollars per hour without a
university education. “You ain't gonna find a better
deal anywhere, Son,” he would say.
It was a dark and stormy night in Elkford, British
The novel is available for purchase at all major online
retailers such as Amazon.com and Amazon.ca. |