of Wedding Traditions |
StatsCan study shows that second-, third- and fourth-generation
Canadians are most likely to marry outside their race.
Nearly four per cent (289,400) of Canada's 7,482,800 couples are
mixed unions, according to the 2006 census. That's a 33.1 per
cent increase since 2001.
About 247,600 of the mixed unions were comprised of one partner
who belonged to a visible-minority group and one who did not.
The remaining 41,800 mixed unions consisted of couples in which
both members belonged to a different visible minority.
Among first-generation visible-minority Canadians (those born
outside of Canada), 12 per cent were in mixed unions. The
proportion rose to 51 per cent for second-generation Canadians
and reached 69 per cent for third-generation Canadians.

the red wedding gown
(Asian-inspired) |
many ethnic culture, a wedding is a celebration, not
just for the bride and groom, but for the entire
community, and it's an event the family looks forward to
from the moment a child is born. It's not unusual for
the guest list to number in the thousands. This page
looks at the different wedding ceremonies that blend
different traditions.