Dec. 17. Still cold (below zero in the a.m.)
and icy roads make for very tough driving.
Dec. 20. Had another 14 inches of shit
last night. More shovelling in store for me today.
That goddam snowplough came by twice.
Dec. 22. We were assured of a white
Christmas because 13 more inches of the white shit fell
today, and with this freezing weather, it won't melt
till August. Got all dressed up to go out and shovel
(boots, jumpsuit, heavy jacket, scarf, earmuffs, gloves,
etc.) and then I got the urge to pee.
Dec. 23. I was going to go ice
fishing today, but my worms froze and I didn't want the
fish to break their teeth on my bait.
Dec. 24. If I ever catch the son-of-a-bitch
that drives that snowplough, I'll drag him through the
snow by the balls. I think he hides around the
corner and waits for me to finish shovelling and then he
comes down the street 100 miles an hour and throws snow
all over what used to be my lawn.
Dec. 25. Merry Christmas. They
predict 20 inches more of the f**king white stuff
tonight. Do they now how many shovels full of snow
28 inches is? To h**l with Santa, he doesn't have to
shovel the white sh*t. The snowplough driver came
by asking for a donation, I hit him over the head with
the snow shovel.
Dec. 26 We got 28 inches of snow and then
some. I must be going snow-blind or have a severe case
of cabin fever because the wife is beginning to look
good to me.
Dec. 27. The toilet froze. If you go
outside don't eat the brown snow.
Dec. 28. I set fire to the house. Now
that white sh*t won't cling to the roof!